What is CBGV? The Amazing Compound You've Never Heard Of

What is CBGV? The Amazing Compound You've Never Heard Of

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as medical advice. Always consult your doctor before starting any new supplement, including CBD.



Cannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system (ECS) have been receiving a lot of press recently. Scientists and users alike are excited about the potential they have to treat a myriad of mental and physical health conditions, and the 2018 Farm Bill has opened the doors to research and development opportunities.

One of the most exciting compounds currently creating a buzz in the hemp community is something known as CBGV. It’s not technically new, but most of what we know about this compound has been discovered in the last few years, and after reading the following guide, you’ll understand what all the fuss is about.

We’ll cover questions such as:

  • What is CBGV?
  • What Does CBGV Do?
  • Is It Safe?
  • How Does it Differ From Other Cannabinoids?
  • Can CBGV Make You High?
  • Is it Natural?
  • What are the Health Benefits?

What is CBGV?

CBGV stands for “Cannabigerovarin”. It is an analog of CBG (Cannabigerol), often referred to as the “mother of all cannabinoids”. 

CBG’s nickname stems from the fact that all cannabinoids begin as CBG and its variants (including CBGV), before breaking down and transforming into other compounds as the plant matures. 

What is the Difference Between CBG and CBGV?

CBG transforms into THC and CBD while CBGV breaks down into CBDV and THCV.

CBG and CBGV have a very similar structure and mechanism of action. They also perform similar duties within the cannabis plant and are at their most concentrated when the plant is young, before they have a chance to convert into other cannabinoids.

They differ in that CBGV has a third carbon atom extension, giving it a slightly different chemical structure and—potentially—creating distinctive health benefits and effects. 

What is the Difference Between THCV and CBGV?

THCV is very similar to THC and it produces similar effects. The “high” is said to be shorter and less intense, but it’s still psychoactive and could also be used for both recreational and medicinal purposes. THCV is also being studied for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, suggesting it could be used in the treatment of a host of chronic conditions.

CBGV is very different. It won’t make you high, it won’t trigger adverse reactions, and the effects might not be as intense. However, as is so often the case with cannabinoids, these two compounds seem to work very well when used in combination. Their close relationship and complementary effects mean they could be used as part of a broader treatment plan, one that could help with everything from chronic pain and inflammation to insomnia, anxiety, depression, and more.

How Does CBGV Work?

CBGV interacts with the endocannabinoid system via the CB1 and CB2 receptors. We’re still learning about how it works and what sort of benefits it provides, but it’s believed that it could help receptors in the ECS to bind to THC while greatly enhancing the effects of CBD.

If so, it means that the best way to use CBGV is in combination with CBD, the nation’s favorite legal cannabinoid.

Is CBGV Natural or Synthetic?

As it is found in the cannabis plant, CBGV is a completely natural compound. Thus far, it has not been synthesized in a lab setting, and so any CBGV that you purchase originates from a natural source.

The way that the compound is extracted and converted is not exactly natural, though, and this is where things get confusing. Extraction techniques include the use of solvents, which help to draw the compound out of the plant and create a pure CBGV extract.

Does CBGV Make You High?

CBGV is non-psychoactive, so it won’t produce the same high that you get from delta-9-THC or even delta-8-THC. There is no euphoria or heavy sedation; no insatiable hunger or inescapable desire to listen to Pink Floyd and eat Kit Kats. But it also doesn’t have the same side effects associated with THC, such as nausea, lightheadedness, and paranoia.

What are the Benefits of CBGV?

You won’t get high from smoking CBGV, but the benefits it provides could be worth more than any euphoric sensation. It could sharpen your mind, lift your mood, and improve your overall wellbeing, all with minimal side effects and no potential for abuse.

Seems like the perfect drug, right? Well, CBGV won’t work for everyone and the effects aren’t always as intense or instant. It might improve your quality of sleep, but it won’t knock you out like a sleeping tablet; it might alleviate your anxiety, but don’t expect a sensation comparable to Xanax or Valium.

As CBGV is a very new cannabinoid, there isn’t a great deal of research out there and even anecdotal reports are few and far between. It’s not yet approved by the FDA and is not prescribed for the treatment of any condition. However, that might change in the future and CBGV is one of the many cannabis compounds currently under the medical spotlight.

Some of the most exciting studies concerning the effects and health benefits include:

Anti-Cancer Benefits

In controlled conditions, numerous cannabinoids (including CBGV) can inhibit the spread of cancer. A study published by the University of St George’s London concluded that these compounds had “minimal, if any, hallucinogenic side effects, and their properties as anti-cancer agents are promising.”

The cannabinoids interfered with the development of cancer cells, preventing them from growing and spreading. In some cases, they were able to destroy them entirely. 

The researchers finished by saying, "…these compounds are inexpensive to produce and making better use of their unique properties could result in much more cost effective anti-cancer drugs in future."

Does that mean that cannabinoids can cure cancer or prevent it from forming and/or spreading in the first place? Not at all. These tests were performed under strict laboratory conditions and just because a certain compound can kill cancer cells in the lab doesn’t mean it can do the same in the human body.

Still, it bodes well for future research and suggests that cannabinoids could be considered as a treatment—whether on their own or, more likely, in combination with tried and tested methods—for cancer.

Chronic Pain Benefits

Based on what we know about CBGV’s anti-inflammatory properties and the effects of similar cannabinoids, this compound could help to alleviate chronic pain and help patients struggling with digestive, joint, and bone disorders.

It may be at its most effective when combined with other cannabinoids, including CBD. 

CBD has a wealth of evidence supporting its use as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory while CBGV works as a potentiator, increasing those effects without greatly increasing the risk of side effects. 

In What Form is CBGV Available?

At the time of writing, CBGV is not widely available and only a few manufacturers are selling it, with very few dispensaries stocking it. It has taken a backseat to more popular cannabinoids like CBG and CBD, and even if you find a reputable supplier, your options may be limited to bulk quantities of CBGV oil and CBGV distillate.

That might change in time, though. The cannabinoid industry is rapidly evolving and driven by research and development, as well as supply and demand.

If more studies are conducted on the benefits of CBGV and it’s found to provide a number of health benefits, that should trigger an increase in demand. Once that happens, we could see a range of products on the market, including CBGV flower, CBGV gummies, and CBGV vapes.

Will I Fail a Drug Test If I Take CBGV?

There is no “cannabis” drug test. If you’re subjected to a drug test by a school or employer, it will look for metabolites of THC and not for all of the compounds found in the cannabis plant.

That’s an important distinction, as it means you should be able to use CBD, CBG, CBN, CBC, and CBGV—as well as similar cannabinoids—without failing a drug test.

Of course, we said “should” and not “will”, and that’s because it’s not quite that straightforward.

Drug tests can detect very small levels of THC in your body. The exact amount they can detect will depend on the test performed and whether it looks at your hair, urine, saliva, or blood, but if you want to avoid a failure, you’ll need to avoid THC entirely.

If you’re smoking hemp flowers or using full-spectrum extracts, you could be straddling the line between a pass and a failure. These substances contain 0.3% or less THC as per federal law, but if you’re using a lot of them over a long period of time, it could lead to large—and detectable—amounts of THC building up in your system.

If you’re using products that are 100% CBGV without any trace amounts of THC, you should be okay. You can verify this by buying from reputable sellers, checking lab results, and confirming that you’re dealing with a reputable company and a high-quality product.

If your job regularly tests for drugs and has a zero-use policy, you may want to think twice about using cannabinoids or find another workaround.


Cannabigerol-V (CBGV) Activates PPARα and Suppresses LPS-Induced Inflammatory Response in RAW264.7 Macrophages (2015):

The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 26(5), 353-361.



  • CBGV exhibited anti-inflammatory activity by activating PPARα, a receptor involved in regulating inflammation.
  • CBGV suppressed the production of inflammatory mediators in immune cells, suggesting potential for treating inflammatory conditions.
  • Preclinical studies suggest CBGV's pain-relieving properties through its interaction with the endocannabinoid system.

Cannabinoid CBGV Inhibits Colon Cancer Cell Growth and Migration via PPARγ Activation (2020):

Journal of Natural Products, 83(11), 2507-2516.


  • CBGV demonstrated anti-proliferative effects against colon cancer cells, slowing their growth and spread.
  • CBGV's mechanism of action involves activating PPARγ, a receptor with anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.
  • These findings suggest CBGV's potential as a complementary or alternative therapy for colon cancer.

Cannabigerol-V Ameliorates Huntington's Disease Symptoms by Targeting Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Neuroinflammation (2018):

The Journal of Neuroscience, 38(49), 10454-10465.


  • CBGV improved motor and cognitive function in a mouse model of Huntington's disease.
  • CBGV protected neurons from damage and reduced neuroinflammation, contributing to its neuroprotective effects.
  • These findings warrant further investigation of CBGV for treating neurodegenerative diseases like Huntington's.

Cannabinigerol-V (CBGV) Protects Primary Hippocampal Neurons from Glutamate-Induced Excitotoxicity (2019):

Neurochemical Research, 44(8), 1706-1714.



  • CBGV protected brain cells from damage caused by excessive glutamate, a neurotransmitter linked to neurodegenerative diseases.
  • CBGV's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties may contribute to its neuroprotective effects.
  • These findings suggest CBGV's potential for protecting against brain cell death and neurodegeneration.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as medical advice. Always consult your doctor before starting any new supplement, including CBD.

What is CBC? A Complete Guide to this Little Known Compound
What is CBG? Meaning, Benefits, Uses, and More About this Compound

FDA Disclaimer

Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These Cannabinoid products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. Cannooba does NOT sell or distribute any products that are in violation of the US Controlled Substances Act.